Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hoshin Kanri vs. Leverage Your Best

I just finished reading "Leverage Your Best, Ditch The Rest" by Scott Blanchard and Madeleine Homan. The book is subtitled "The Coaching Secrets Top Executives Depend On". What I found was a Hoshin Kanri approach to personal coaching. This is not a negative comment in any way...this is a very positive remark. I think the application is perfect for us Lean Champions.

The authors use a system we have been using at Genoa to monitor and move our Lean transformation forward. At Genoa, we use a Lean diagnostic to evaluate our progress within 16 categories of Lean implementation. We use the results to guide us and tell us where we need improvement...in which categories. We use the items on the diagnostic, which we have not completed, as an indication what needs to be done next. We prioritize according to our business goals, and then proceed.

This is exactly what the authors of the book have done for a personal coaching approach. The authors encourage the reader to complete a self-analysis that covers what they call "The Seven Leverage Points". These seven points outline areas of self-discipline and personal management, that if you master two or three of then at least, your life will improve drastically. As you analyze yourself according to these points, you focus in on specific ways to master elements within each area, and understand the benefits that you will realize once you have mastered an area, or gotten it under control.

They use the Hoshin Kanri method of getting life under control. Strategic Planning for your life. Strategic Management for your life. If you are inclined toward Lean Principles in your work-life, you will be inclined toward this approach toward personal life. Get the book and read it. www.leverageyourbest.com.