Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Team...

Notes on trying to run the company and also stay tapped into the Lean project at hand.

It is so easy to become engrossed in day to day activities, marketing, human resource issues, fires, emergencies, floods, requests, proposals, hiring, planning, strategic sessions, and all the other "stuff" that seems to interfere with running a business. Let alone trying to grow and develop a business under the umbrella of Lean principles.

As an infant might cry... "wah wah wah".

This emphasizes the importance of a Lean Champion. Someone who's primary mission in life is to push ahead with Lean improvements.

Thank goodness for "The Lean Guy at Genoa".

Thank goodness for our VP Operations, Darren, who works closely with Ken to get the right data, analyze it in the right context, identify the opportunities and help Ken push.

Thank goodness for a staff who care and are open to a shift in culture.

Thank goodness for the plan and action to bring the shift in culture about.

But to bring it full loose spoke, and the wheel fails.

I have learned that one person can only do so much. The answer is bringing the right team together.

I believe I have said this before...but it's worth repeating.

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